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South Dakota NewsMedia Association (SDNA) was founded in 1882 and is a full-service trade association representing the state’s newspapers and digital news outlets. It is governed by a board of directors elected by its members. SDNA is headquartered in Brookings, SD. South Dakota NewsMedia Services Inc. (SDNS) is a business affiliate of SDNA. SDNS offers an advertising sales and placement service, a press release distribution service, and has an affiliation with NewzGroup for news tracking and clippings.
2024-2025 Board of Directors
Molly McRoberts, Editor, Potter County News, Gettysburg
First Vice President
Jason Ferguson, Editor, Custer County Chronicle, Custer
Second Vice President
Carson Walker, CEO, South Dakota News Watch, Sioux Falls
Third Vice President
Luke Hagen, Editor, Mitchell Republic
At-large Director
LeeAnne Dufek, Publisher, Hamlin County Republican, Castlewood
At-large Director
Jill Meier, Publisher, Brandon Valley Journal, Brandon
Past President,
Kristi Hine, Publisher, True Dakotan, Wessington Springs

SDNA Staff
Executive Director
David Bordewyk –
Business Manager
& Network Coordinator
Nicole Herrig –
Advertising Sales Director
John Brooks –
Advertising Placement
& Public Notice Coordinator
Sandy DeBeer –
Grace Lehman
SDNA Resources
SDNA Honors & Past Presidents
Newspaper Foundation
The South Dakota Newspaper Foundation was organized as a nonprofit corporation in 2010. Its mission is for the promotion and betterment of journalism and newspapers in South Dakota. Contact SDNA about how you can make a charitable contribution to the Newspaper Foundation.
Public Notices/Open Government
South Dakota Public Notices
All South Dakota newspapers have cooperated to host a website listing all government public notices previously published in newspapers across the state. The searchable public notices website is provided to the public by South Dakota newspapers at no cost to state and local governments.
Open Government
Click here for a brochure explaining South Dakota’s open meetings law. Here is a link to the South Dakota Attorney General’s website on open government, with information about open meetings and open records laws and the South Dakota Open Meetings Commission. SDNA has published a booklet explaining how to file an open meetings law complaint and how to file a government records denial appeal. You can download it here.
SDNA holds an annual convention and Better Newspapers Contest for its members. The 2024 convention will be held in April 25-27, 2024 at the Huron Event Center/Crossroads Hotel in Huron, SD.
SDNA Convention Better Newspapers Contest
SDNA sponsors a Better Newspapers Contest each year. Awards are presented in news/editorial and advertising categories. The contest runs on a calendar year and awards are presented at the annual convention each spring. Click here to view contest results.
Associate Membership
Associate membership may be conferred on persons, companies or organizations doing business with or providing goods or services to regular members. The membership is non-voting. Contact SDNA for information about applying for associate membership.
SDNA Past Presidents
For a complete list of SDNA Past Presidents, please click here.
Newspaper Hall of Fame
Click here for a list of all the members of the South Dakota Newspaper Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame is administered by SDNA and located in the lobby of Anson and Ada May Yeager Journalism Hall on the campus of South Dakota State University.
Distinguished Service Award
Recognition of people who have provided outstanding service to the newspaper profession in South Dakota.​ Click here for honorees.
Distinguished Achievement Award
Recognition of non-newspaper people who have distinguished themselves in achievement in or for South Dakota.​ Click here for honorees.
Distinguished Service/Achievement Award
Combines the features of both awards above.​ Click here for honorees.
Eagle Award Recipients
This award is given to an individual group or organization who has demonstrated outstanding efforts to protect and enhance openness in the conduct of the people's business. Click here for honorees.
Outstanding Young Journalist​
For recognition of the outstanding work of a journalist under the age of 30. One winner is chosen annually from a weekly newspaper and a daily newspaper. Click here for award recipients.
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